Additional Services

Security and Surveillance System Design

It is vital to preserve control over costly assets, as well as your own safety. We design networked and self-sufficient security and surveillance systems for personal and commercial protection.

Corporate Investigations

As the size, value, and complexity of your business increases, opportunities for grievous error, breach of compliance, and misconduct multiply. Whether or not these risks are subject to regulation, they pose a threat to your operations. Our investigators can audit work product and employee activities in any environment, as part of an internal investigation, a foreign branch assessment, or negotiations with a potential partner.

Missing Persons

Police inattention to missing persons cases is a tragic cliche. Where they abandon a case, we can keep pursuing it. We are able to apply techniques, expertise, and assets public investigators do not possess, in order to locate those you have lost.

Get in Touch

We welcome any inquiries by prospective clients.